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Establishment Story


Following the transition of our country to a multi-party democratic political system in 1946, Adnan Menderes, the chairman of the Democratic Party, which came to power as a result of the elections held in 1950, became Prime Minister and remained in office until the military coup of May 27, 1960.

Adnan Menderes asked Chancellor-Prime Minister Erhard of West Germany, one of the most developed countries of the time, to send a delegation of researchers to Turkey in order to determine the economic potential of our country from a macro perspective. The delegation, which was assigned by Chancellor Erhard and consisted of German economic experts, after conducting economic research in our country for a long time, completed their report and presented it to Prime Minister Menderes. According to the report, the importance of three main sectors in Turkey's economic future was emphasized: AGRICULTURE, AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRY and TOURISM.

Prime Minister Adnan Menderes, who was a member or chairman of budget and plan commissions as a member of parliament for many years, as well as being the owner of the Çakırbeyli farm in Aydın, was aware of agriculture and our agricultural potential and prioritized the investments in the sector highlighted in this report during his reign. As a result, according to another study conducted in 1958, Turkey was able to reach a level of development equivalent to that of Italy, which was more advanced than Greece, Portugal and Spain in the same period.

After the Adnan Menderes period, various governments that held the administration of the country; although they made actions in accordance with this perspective from time to time, they sometimes implemented economic policies that put different sectors forward. Unfortunately, due to the different socio-economic policies implemented far from the realities of the country, our country has never reached the level of developed modern countries. Our economic experiences have shown us that the agricultural sector is the main engine for the development of our country.

We, who have been kneaded with an agriculturalist family culture and who believe in this perspective put forward for our country; With the desire to invest in agriculture and agricultural industry to the extent of our possibilities, we started by purchasing a small olive oil business with the title of “ALTIN”...Later, by adding our surname in front of this name, we completed our establishment on 06.06.2000 at the address of Dedeköy six in Koçarlı District of Aydın Province with the title of “ÖZALTIN TARIM İŞLETMELERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş.”.


In order for a company established with good intentions to be permanently successful and beneficial to both itself and the society, it is imperative to have a constitution, basic principles and a trajectory in line with its founding philosophy. For ÖZALTIN;

  • Accuracy

  • Honesty

  • Equity

  • Mutual trust

  • Transparency

  • Respect for the law

  • To produce know-how in a way that is open to development and modern information technology as a requirement of global competition,

  • Respect for human rights

  • Environmental awareness

will always be our fundamental principles.

Agriculture is Important for the Future of Development

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